Oct. 31st Monday Memo!
Oct. 31st-Nov. 10th: HS Culinary Everything Pumpkin Sales
Oct. 31st: 2nd Quarter Begins
Nov. 1st: AAA Lottery Registration Opens for 2023-2024 School Year
Nov. 2nd: 3pm-6pm: Kansas City Art Institute Portfolio Review @ HS Campus
Nov. 3rd: 8:30am-12pm: Optional Senior Cap/Gown Portrait Picture Day @ HS Campus
Nov. 3rd: 6pm-8pm: AAA Night at the Museum @ Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Nov. 4th-Nov. 14th: 7:30am-4:15pm: K6 Book Fair @ K6 Library (closed 2pm-3:45pm)
Nov. 4th: 8:30am: K6 PTA Meeting @ K6 Campus PTA Room in Gym
Nov. 5th: 11am-3pm: NWACC Portfolio Day for Visual Art @ NWACC

AAA’s Acting students have been studying Shakespeare this semester through master-class workshops with industry professionals from TheatreSquared. This Fall’s “Double Feature” of one acts represents the culmination of that work. The Acting 1 students will present a production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in original Shakespearean text, while the Acting 2 students have devised their own comedic retelling of “MacBeth” in modern language.

EMS Lost and Found: Students walk by these items on their way to PE. If you recognize an item, please let me know.
Thank you!
Nurse Katie

Oct. 24th Monday Memo!
Now-25th: Coat Drive @ Both Campuses. Sizes 5T-XL, new or gently used.
Now-Nov. 10th: HS Culinary Everything Pumpkin Sales
Oct. 24th-26th: K6 Tissue Box Jack-o-Lantern Decorating Contest (Turn in to Ms. Ussery in the K6 Library)
Oct. 24th: 5:30pm: Family Engagement Night: Suicide Prevention @ HS Campus Commons - Adults Only session and 14-18yo session
Oct. 25th: 8am PSAT/NMSQT for Sophomores and Juniors @ HS Campus
Oct. 25th: K6 Red Ribbon Week: It’s Crazy to Use Drugs: Wear Crazy Clothing, Hair, & Socks
Oct. 25th: Doors Open at 5:15pm: 7th Grade Fall Showing @ HS Campus
Oct. 25th: 5:30pm: College Application/Scholarship Workshop @ HS Campus
Oct. 26th: K6 Red Ribbon Week: Chase Your Dreams, Not Drugs: Wear Pajamas
Oct. 26th: 5:30pm: NWACC Concurrent Classes Presentation @ HS Campus
Oct. 27th: HS Campus Picture Day
Oct. 27th: K6 Red Ribbon Week: We’re Too Bright for Drugs: Wear Neon Colors and Shades
Oct. 28th: Hot Cocoa for $1/cup @ K6 Campus. Funds support 4th grade space camp trip.
Oct. 28th: K6 Red Ribbon Week: Say BOO to Drugs and Bullying: Wear Costumes
Oct. 28th: K6 Rise and Shine Assembly and Fall Parties.
Oct. 28th: 7pm: 7th-8th grade Fall Formal @ HS Campus
Oct. 29th: 6pm-9pm: Fall Festival & Escape Rooms @ HS Campus

Families with no income or low income could get at least $3,000 per child with the Child Tax Credit, plus $1400 with the third stimulus payment - even if they have never filed taxes before (and if they have not yet already filed taxes this year).It is estimated that at least 24,000 children in Arkansas could miss out on this money if their parent/guardian has not yet filed.
Individuals likely to miss out include people with low or no incomes, immigrant families and individuals experiencing homelessness. There is now an easy form for people to file on their mobile devices in 15 minutes or less in English or Spanish. People have until November 15 to sign up this year at GetCTC.org/arschools.

Tonight at 5:30 PM1!

Join the AAA Counselors for this important discussion! Monday, October 24th at 5:30 PM.

If you have a 7th Grade Student, do not forget about the 7th- Grade Wheel Showing this week on Tuesday, October 25th. It is free and open to the public! Doors Open at 5:15. Visual Art will be displayed in the Commons. 5:30 Piano Students will play in the Black Box and at 6 pm Choir, Dance, Guitar, Percussion and Theater will perform in the PAC.

Support the AAA Culinary Program with the Everything Pumpkin Fundraiser!

Attendance Matters @artsk12.org

Don’t Miss AAA NIGHT @ THE MUSEUM! Thursday, November 3, 2022 from 6-8 pm! Come celebrate our partnership with Crystal Bridges Museum and see our K-12 students make curricular connections with works in the Museum’s collection. There is NO COST for this event!

Save the Date for the Family Engagement Night: Suicide Prevention, Monday, Oct. 24th @ 5:30pm at the HS Campus. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will host an Adults-Only session and a Teen (14-18 year old) session.

AAA Coat Drive
What: coats size 5T to Adult XL
When: Oct 17th-Oct 25th
How: Send a coat in with your student or drop off coats during afternoon car line. If you have any questions please email ashover@artsk12.org, kmiller@artsk12.org, afoster@artsk12.org.

Oct. 17th Monday Memo!
Oct. 17th-21st: HS Culinary Apple Butter Sales
Oct. 17th-Oct. 25th: Coat Drive @ Both Campuses. Sizes 5T-XL, new or gently used.
Oct. 19th: Flu Shot Clinic @ Both Campuses
Oct. 19th: K6 PTA Spirit Night @ Panda Express in Rogers
Oct. 20th: 6pm-8pm: HS Fall Preview. 8th-12th grade.
Oct. 21st: K6 Picture Day
Oct. 21st: Early Release Day @ HS Campus
Oct. 21st: 7pm: K6 Movie Night @ K6 Gym
Oct. 22nd-Nov 10th: HS Culinary Pumpkin Pie Sales
Oct. 24th-26th: K6 Tissue Box Jack-o-Lantern Decorating Contest (Turn in to Ms. Ussery in the K6 Library)
Oct. 24th: 5:30pm: Family Engagement Night: Suicide Prevention @ HS Campus - Adults Only Session & 14-18yo Session
Oct. 24th: K6 Red Ribbon Week: Team Up Against Bullying & Drugs: Wear team Shirts & Hats

Please join us on Tuesday, October 25th, at Arkansas Arts Academy when our 7th-grade students share their work from their Arts Classes. Doors Open at 5:15. Piano Students perform at 5:30 in the black box, and Choir, Dance, Guitar, Percussion, and Theatre Students will perform at 6 pm in the Performing Arts Center.

Join us at @AAA high school on October 5, 2022 from 5:00-6:15 p.m. as we host ForwARd Arkansas for an NWA in-person community focus group discussing the state of education in Arkansas. Learn more at ForwardArkansas.org/StateofEd

The University of Arkansas priority application deadline is November 1st. The link for the U of A application is here: https://www.uark.edu/admissions/apply/index.php
Applying early gives you priority for orientation registration as well as housing registration. If you are applying for scholarships, you have to meet this deadline to meet the early scholarship deadline.
The priority consideration for FAFSA is open October through January. That link is here: https://www.uark.edu/admissions/apply/index.php

Monday Memo Corrections:
Oct. 20th: HS Fall Preview @ 6pm
Oct. 25th: 7th Grade Fall Showing @ 5:15pm
Oct. 26th: NWACC Concurrent Classes Presentation @ 5:30pm

Oct. 3rd Monday Memo!
Oct. 3rd-7th: Intersession Week - No School, Enrichment & Intervention Opportunities Available
Oct. 5th: 5pm-6:15pm: ForwARd Arkansas: The State of Education in AR. A Statewide Study & Engagement Process. This event is FREE and open to anyone.
Oct. 10th-14th: Fall Break - No School
Oct. 11th: 6:30pm: School Board Meeting @ HS Campus
Oct. 19th: Flu Shot Clinic @ Both Campuses
Oct. 19th: K6 PTA Spirit Night @ Panda Express in Rogers
Oct. 20th: 6pm-8pm: HS Fall Showcase
Oct. 21st: K6 Picture Day
Oct. 21st: Early Release Day @ HS Campus
Oct. 21st: 5:30pm: NWACC Concurrent Classes Presentation @ HS Campus
Oct. 21st: 7pm: K6 Movie Night @ K6 Gym

Wandering Cloud was awarded 2nd place in MONAH's Indigenuity 2.0 contest! We will be the recipient of a cash award of $50, a prize pack and some "merch" from artist Johnnie Jae! Congratulations Writers!
Wandering Cloud is a class in Anne Wenzel's Creative Writing Department otherwise known as the Department or Elsewhere.