Technology is very important to the learning process at Arkansas Arts Academy and we now have a device for every student. Student in Grades 7–12 are provided with a Chromebook laptop to use while at school and at home. Elementary students (K–6) use either Chromebooks or iPads that remain on campus.
Our infrastructure is managed by a collection of about fifteen servers, both physical and virtual, which host critical district services including domain controllers, computer deployment and management, security and access control, and surveillance, as well as cafeteria, library, and print management. We are constantly making plans and implementing changes to better serve our teachers and students.
Dell 11 - 3100
Dell 11 - 5190
We have a mix of devices in the district, but are gradually phasing out older units. Each student has unlimited storage available, an e-mail address, access to Google suite apps (Docs, Sheets, Slides) in their school-provided Google account. Students in grades 7-12 have lockers on campus in which they can store and charge their Chromebooks, and a personal cell phone. Lockers are secured & accessed by their school student badge. At the K-6 campus, we have Chromebook carts in each classroom where the devices are stored and charged when not in use.
Policies and Procedures
Students are expected to be good digital citizens. The following policies and procedures are relevant to the Chromebook program.
Our devices are built to be used by students. They have very few moving parts under the hood and should stand the test of time. However, we know that sometimes accidents happen. That is why we wanted to provide parents with an insurance option.
$25 will cover your student’s take-home Chromebook for the entire school year. This covers one incident and a deductible of $25 will be charged for each subsequent incident. This provides protection against accidental damage and theft. (Theft claims require a police report.) Examples of accidental damage include cracked screens, liquid damage, and drops. More information on insurance is provided below. Insurance does not cover vandalism. Checks can be made to Arkansas Arts Academy, or fees can be paid through our online payment portal.