The acronym CHARIS is based on six core guiding principles for AAA student excellence:
Creative, Honest, Artistic, Responsible, Innovative, Scholarly
The symbolism for CHARIS originates with the Graces (also known as Charities, singular Charis), who were goddesses from Greek mythology personifying charm, grace, and beauty. Most commonly, the Graces (or Charities) are referenced in art and literature in a grouping of three. These minor goddesses are associated with Aphrodite and spring flowers, in particular, and were thought to bestow beauty in all its forms, from physical to intellectual, artistic to moral. The Graces are described as masters of dancing, singing, and poetry, and associated with beauty, nature, and human creativity. Charis can be translated from Greek to mean grace, kindness, and life.
Our program aspires to instill the qualities represented by the Graces through an arts-integrated, differentiated experience. CHARIS is designed to develop life-long learning and inquiry, promote intrinsic desire for excellence, and foster a determination to work toward personal fulfillment and meaningful contribution to society. Our K-12 program includes in class enrichment, pull-out programs, advanced coursework, and Honors/Pre-AP/AP offerings.
K-2 enrichment consists of 30 minute whole group enrichment with the GT Facilitator.
Grades 3-6 will have pull-out enrichment for 150 minutes a week for identified students. Placement screenings for students at the end of grade 2 are conducted using the Naglieri (NNAT3) Non-Verbal Ability Test. There are also options for parents, teachers, and students to refer for GT testing.
Gifted and talented children and youth are those of high potential or ability whose learning characteristics and educational needs require qualitatively differentiated educational experiences and/or services.
Possession of these talents and gifts, or the potential for their development, will be evidenced through an interaction of above average intellectual ability, task commitment and /or motivation, and creative ability.
Placement in CHARIS
Data gathered for placement will include at least two objective and two subjective assessment methods such as group and individual tests of ability, achievement, and creativity; and checklists, rating scales, biographical data, product evaluations, auditions, interviews and grades. Information about students is obtained from multiple sources which may include teachers, counselors, parents, community members, peers, and students themselves.
A committee of at least five members chaired by a trained specialist in gifted education and including administrators, teachers, and/or counselors collects and analyzes data, maintains appropriate records, and makes professional decisions on placement of students.
You can find the full set of Arkansas GT Program requirements here.
CHARIS can also support differentiation and extension in the classroom.
Contact: Lainie Adams ext. 1799 ladams@artsk12.org