Our Junior High Boys Basketball team earned another victory tonight over Haas Hall -Bentonville. #DiamondPressure

AAA Diamonds get the W tonight over Haas Hall-Bentonville! Tomorrow night, the HS boys play host to Haas Hall-Rogers at around 7:15. #DiamondBasketball

Congrats to the girls soccer team with a 3-1 victory over Oakdale in the cold rain on Saturday! #DiamondSoccer

Join us for movie night on 10/28. Casper begins at 5:30 pm in the High School Performing Arts Center and Insidious begins at 7:30 pm. Admission is $3 and snacks are available for $1. Students under the age of 13 will need parental permission to view Insidious.

The dismissal changes for 10/25/19 are for the AAA High School campus but will effect South Bound buses arrival times.

Important! Rogers Homecoming Parade is this afternoon at 4 pm. We will be dismissing at 3:30 pm. Normal car-line until 3:45, then cars will enter and exit from 6th street. Buses will leave at 3:40 pm, arrive at stops 30 minutes early. Students will be monitored until 4:15.

Junior High Boys get a win in their first game of the season over Thaden . #DiamondPressure

Congrats to our HS boys with a big win over Thaden tonight to start the season with a W. #DiamondBasketball

Tonight your AAA Diamonds will play their first game of the season against Thaden. Junior high girls start at 5, junior high boys at 6ish, and High School boys at 7ish. Come out and support your school! Games are at the K-6 campus.

We will have school tomorrow!! Yay! 7-12 students tomorrow is an A day. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Due to the ongoing effects of the weather earlier this week, we are CANCELING the AAA Night @ the Museum event scheduled for Thursday, October 24. These effects and closures have not allowed our amazing students and teachers the class time needed to prepare for their presentations. We will not reschedule but look forward to the spring event on Thursday, March 5, 2020. Thank you for your understanding and your continued support, The Arts Integration Team

AAA will not have school tomorrow, 10/23 on either campus. Our latest update from Swepco is that power will be restored by 7 pm tomorrow evening. Our district communication server is located on the K-6 campus. Without it we have no internet and no phones.

It is with careful consideration that the PTA and school administrators are postponing the Fall Carnival and Red Ribbon Week until the week of November 4th-8th(Fall Carnival will be Friday, November 8th). We know everyone has put a great deal of work into these events, but with the state of our surrounding neighborhood we are trying to be kind, considerate, and loving to our neighbors and the damages they have to deal with. Parking would be impossible with the amount of debris that is still in the area. That being said, we are looking into how to help the neighbors with cleanup of debris and will keep everyone updated. Please check our school and PTA Facebook pages often for updates.

Arkansas Arts Academy will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday October 22 due to the damage from the storms.

Arkansas Arts Academy will not be in session tomorrow, October 22nd. Power is still out on K6 campus. Students will have assignments posted in Google Classroom or emailed to them directly. If school resumes on Wednesday, it will be a B day.

We are needing someone to cut up a large walnut tree that fell on the K-6 playground. Contact myoung@artsk12.org if you can help.

Tonight’s basketball game vs Haas Hall Rogers will be rescheduled due to power loss at the school.

AAA will not have school today due to power lines and power outages. Students who rode the bus are at the 7-12 campus and need to be picked up.

We will have a delayed start at 9 due to down power lines and lack of power. We will update you all again at 8.

AAA schools will open at 9 AM today due to power outages and down power lines. We will update you all again at 8 AM.