21-22 Bell Schedule

Hello AAA HS Families,

There has been a technical delay in the creation of student schedules and they have been delayed until Wednesday, July 21st. At that time, schedules will be accessible on the Home Access Center (HAC) or can be picked up from the HS main office between 9am-3pm. Once you have reviewed your schedule, you can make a schedule-change request using the link below. If you have questions about your schedule, please contact your counselor.

HAC: https://hac20.esp.k12.ar.us/Ho...
Schedule Change Request Form: https://forms.gle/8AYPR84QxGoK...
7th-9th Grade: Mrs. Thomas: tthomas@artsk12.org, https://calendly.com/tthomas-a...
10th-12th Grade: Mrs. McGaugh: kmcgaugh@artsk12.org, http://calendly.com/kmcgaugh

Please note that the courses are notated differently this year. Advisory is labeled as "2nd Hour", but is a class that occurs every day. See the attached Bell Schedule image for details.
Bell Schedule

Parking Passes
Parking Passes will be available for purchase on Wednesday, July 21st via MyPaymentsPlus. Parking passes will be $5 each. All student drivers are required to purchase a pass and will be parking in the lot on Cherry St. & 5th St. Any student with a sticker can park in the parking lot as long as spaces are available. Once the lot is full, students may park in public parking in Downtown Rogers.
Parking Maps: https://www.artsk12.org/o/high...
If you need help with your MyPaymentsPlus account, please email aaatechsupport@artsk12.org.

We apologize for the delays and thank you for your patience as we ensure everything is ready for the upcoming school year.
-AAA HS Admin

Save the Date

  1. July 27th @ 2pm-4pm : New-to-the-District Orientation (8th-12th graders)
  2. July 28th @ 10am-2pm : 7th Grade Orientation (student-only event, parents not required to stay)
  3. Aug 3rd @ 4pm-7pm : AAA HS Open House
  4. Aug 4th : 1st Day of School! Doors open at 7:30am. Classes start at 8:30am. School dismisses at 3:50pm.