November 11, 2021
Don't forget Coffee House is coming soon! You may pre-purchase tickets through MyPaymentsPlus. $3 for individuals or there are a limited number of tables seating 8 available ...

November 2, 2021
Mark your Calendars! Coffee House will be Friday, November 19th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Enjoy warm beverages, sweet snacks, and wonderful entertainment from the talented 7-12 arti...

October 27, 2021
Students taking Mr. Wipplinger’s Tech Theatre classes have been involved in a collaborative project with the Museum of Native American History (MONAH) in Bentonville. The Museum ...

September 29, 2021
Hello Arkansas Arts Academy Students and Parents!
Our monthly board meeting for October is changing date and location due to fall break. The meeting for October will be held on...

September 16, 2021
AP Psychology students are using their neurons to demonstrate their learning and eat them too!

September 14, 2021
Students in Mrs. Brittain’s AP Lit class have recently read the American short story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. An important work of feminist literatu...

September 10, 2021
The Monthly School Board meeting will be held in person in the commons area at our High School on 506 West Poplar Street, Rogers, AR 72756 on Tuesday, September 14th from 6:30PM -...

September 1, 2021
Attention HS PM Car Line Pick-Up Drivers: While the car line is becoming increasingly shorter, the dangerous pickups on Poplar Street and 6th Street are becoming worse. Students a...

September 1, 2021
Virtual meals pick up will be Monday's from 9:00AM - 10:00AM at the AAA 7-12 campus, off 5th street right by the kitchen door/ramp. Please sign up by Wednesday of the prior week t...

August 11, 2021
Dear Arkansas Arts Academy Community.
The Arkansas Arts Academy will reinstate the 2020-2021 COVID policy starting Monday, August 16, 2021 to ensure the safety of our staff an...

August 9, 2021
Debbie’s Family Pharmacy will be helping us host another COVID-19 vaccine clinic with the Pfizer vaccine. Please refer to this announcement for all the details: COVID-19 Volun...

August 8, 2021
August 7, 2021 On August 2, 2021 the Arkansas Arts Academy Board of Directors voted to follow our mask policy from the 2020-2021 school year if ACT 1002 was repealed. Although Ac...

August 6, 2021
Congratulations to the AAA Community- we have made it through the first three days of school with tremendous success. Thanks to your help and patience, things have gone extremely ...

August 4, 2021
Welcome back ARKANSAS ARTS ACADEMY!!! Teachers and Teens o ur wonderful contact at the MET, Zev Slurzberg, extends a WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL invitation by participating with...

August 1, 2021
Every Student at AAA will receive a free reusable face mask at Back to School night thanks to the generosity of Dale & Charity Tuttle Owners Inkie Prints. If you are unable...

July 30, 2021
Hello AAA Parents/Guardians - Tech dept is fast getting ready for school starting Wednesday, August 4th. BUT we have a LOT of student devices (Chromebooks and iPads) that did NOT...
July 30, 2021
AAA Special School Board Meeting - UPDATED VENUE
We will have a special school board meeting on Monday night, August 2nd, 2021 @6:30PM. It will be held in person at the AA...